
Friday, 25 May 2018


Image result for money
This week we had Chris, Lyndsey, Jasmine and Sasha
from PwC Financial Literacy to teach us about money.
I really enjoyed learning about Identity Theft because I
will always remember to never give my personal information to anyone
unless it's to the people that I trust and known for a long
time and to keep my important information safe.

We learnt about how to Minimise Risk. I like doing this task
because when there is a robber coming to rob my house,
the doors and windows will be locked and my garage with
my car inside is also locked, then I will be safe in my
house. On Monday we learnt how to Save, Donate and
Spend. We learnt how to save our money by buying things
you really need for yourself or your family. The main thing
is to use your money wisely and carefully, also spend
money on the things you really need and value.

We had fun doing the good thing, answering questions
that Chris, Lyndey, Jasmine and Sasha gave us.
We really enjoyed having them at our school to teach us
and my class were so happy to learn something new in

Thank you PwC.


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