
Monday 15 November 2021

New Zealand History - Native Plants ( 2 ) .


This is my presentation I have worked on and I have answered some questions that were given based on Native Plants ! I hope you enjoy !

Friday 12 November 2021

New Zealand History - Native Plants .


For Science , I have made a presentation about some great Native Plants in New Zealand . I have found some interesting facts about some Native Plants , hope you enjoy !

Thursday 11 November 2021

New Zealand History - Technology ( Task 1 - 2 ) .


Today for Technology , I have made a presentation and answered some of the questions that were given in our class site that is related to Maori Land wars .

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Immersion Activities - Algebra .


This is my presentation about some Immersion Activities , Algebra ! Hope you enjoy because I really enjoyed this !

Monday 8 November 2021

New Zealand History - S.S ( Task 5 ) .

This is my last Social Study task and for this task I have made a poster of a map and written down what the map shows. I hope you enjoy !


New Zealand History - S.S ( Task 4 ) .

Today for one of the Social Studies task, I was ordered to insert a quote said or written about Aotearoa. Hope you enjoy! 


New Zealand History - S.S ( Task 3 )


Today also for Social Studies , I worked on answering some more questions about Pakeha . I really enjoyed this presentation, I learnt a lot . Hope you enjoy !

New Zealand History - S.S ( Task 2 ) .


Today for Social Studies , I have made a presentation about what I understood about New Zealand History and some interesting facts. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday 2 November 2021

New Zealand History - S.S ( Task 1 ) .


Today I worked on my Social Studies work and I have made a presentation about some New Zealand History and our land. Hope you enjoy ! 

New Zealand History - Literacy ( Task 6 ) .


For the last task in Literacy New Zealand History , I have made a presentation about each of the chiefs that were part of the Treaty. Hope you enjoy !

Saturday 30 October 2021

New Zealand History - Literacy, Task 2 - 5


For this task, I have made a presentation about some interesting buildings located around New Zealand. Hope you enjoy!

New Zealand History - Literacy, Task 1.

 New Zealand History - Literacy.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

The Treaty of Waitangi. A great and an amazing memorial event that first happened in 1840. Our great Maori Chiefs having to and willing to protect and keep their country and homeland safe. In 1840, A Britain man William Hobson was sent to take over New Zealand and was set to work writing a Treaty. The Treaty of Waitangi is a very important event to celebrate and be proud of. As an Kiwi, I am very grateful for our free land that was just about to be taken over by Hobson.  Hone Heke and His Wife Harriet with Four Attendants - The Fletcher Trust  Collection

The Treaty was a big for our two chiefs, they were trying to give this country freedom and great justice. But since Hobson and his men had tricked our chiefs, they had to cause a war so their land would not be taken away. New Zealand is a very beautiful country and so many people should be noticing by now that we wouldn’t be here right now if our Maori Men hadn't won the war because of their lies. 

This event is really important to Aotearea because it reminds us all who we really are and it also tells us that no matter how many decades come by, this country will still be remembered as a strong country, we had our people fight for our future and our freedom. But it is really important to New Zealand because The Treaty promised to protect Māori culture and to enable Māori to continue to live in New Zealand as Māori. At the same time, the Treaty gave the Crown the right to govern New Zealand and to represent the interests of all New Zealanders.

New Zealand History - Literacy , Task 1.


For Literacy, I have made a presentation of some questions that I have answered that are related to the Treaty Of Waitangi. Hope you enjoy!

Monday 23 August 2021

Home Learning - Technology.

For Technology, I have made a presentation about each part of a ship and have explained why and how they are useful on a ship. Stay at home safe and in your own bubbles! 


Saturday 21 August 2021

Great Books - Health & P.E


For Health & P.E, this task was to pick a person or a group to identify and write about how I will be able to increase the way they/that person learns and to help them be better. I've chosen a friend, Taijah and how I will help them. 

Friday 20 August 2021

Labelling parts of a boat.


For my home learning tasks, I have labelled each part of the boat. Since I couldn't draw a boat on google drawings, I have drawn my own boat on a piece of paper and took a photo.

Making Breaking during Lockdown!


Thursday 19 August 2021

Mathematics - Tasks 3.


For Project Based Learning. I had to pick an object from a novel, The Refugee by Alan Gratz. I picked Isabel's Trumpet, labelled it and wrote the purpose. Hope you all stay safe at home and stay warm!

Wednesday 18 August 2021

 Cuba - 1930’s . Isabel’s Story.

Cuba, A beautiful and yet also a brutal country. It has such a rich and colorful country and their culture and traditions are incredibly pleasing. But, like they say, behind a beautiful story is a cruel history. 

In Cuba, Havana 1895, there was a war. Origins of the war. The war originated in the Cuban struggle for independence from Spain, which began in February 1895. The Cuban Missile Crisis first occurred in 1962 when the Soviet Union began to install nuclear missiles to Cuba. It began when the Soviet Union (USSR) began building missile sites in Cuba in 1962. Together with the earlier Berlin Blockade, this crisis is seen as one of the most important confrontations of the Cold War. The main reasons for the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 were…Mathematical oddities in memory of President John F. Kennedy - The Beacon

  • Communist revolution 1959.

  • Castro supported communism.

  • Bay of Pigs Disaster 1961.

  • Castro support from USSR


President Kennedy, the image on the top left,  did not want the Soviet Union and Cuba to know that he had discovered the missiles. President Kennedy, an American politician who served as the 35th president of the United States from 1961 until his assassination near the end of his third year in office. 

Monday 16 August 2021

My Refugee Poem!

My Refugee Poem.

Guns pointed at those who are most innocent,

not many people are able to vent.

This world is also so cruel,

Poor people becoming jews and being forced,

These brutal and savage soldiers make sure they never lose.

We are referred to as “one” when there are humans getting treated the opposite and suffering all in one.

Viewing - Poster.


For Project Based Learning, me and my buddy Maria decided we'd work together on this task. We had to view the image in the center and write what we see. Me and my friend Maria were very pleased with how this came out! 

Wednesday 11 August 2021

Science - Task 1 .


For Science, I made a presentation based on laws of buoyancy, how objects float, and why objects float. I hope you enjoy this presentation. 

Snow planet Trip !

 "WHOOSH" As I feel the cold breezy air flow against my face aggressively as I slide down the icy slide with my inflatable tube. It felt so magical because I've never experienced playing in snow or in a freezing cold place before. I was spinning around and around bumping into the icy sides, I was so filled with joy and excitement. It was also a bit disappointing that we weren't allowed to snowboard or ski for some reason, but it was fine because we still had loads of fun sliding down with our inflatable tubes!

I ran around and had a laugh with my friends as we went down again. Suddenly I spotted a warm hut located on the side ways, there were 2 or 3 huts so I rushed to see what was inside! I saw a mirror, a sled, and a big brown chair that old people usually enjoy sitting on when it's a cold winter time. It looked like a hut that probably Santa Claus would chill in, It was so awesome! I sat on the chair and relaxed for a bit. 

After a while, We had to leave because our bus was almost arriving. I really didn't want to leave because of how much fun I and my mates were having! I was making my way down near the door and so we could get changed, But I saw a pile of snow and leaped into it "CRUSH" I felt the cold frosty snow against my thick warm pants and my puffy jacket, I then start to make a Snow Angel! I felt so relieved that I was actually making a Snow Angel in snow! And then that's when I got up, took a look at my awesome Snow Angel and left to get changed. 

Mud Run!

 Mud Run !

"SPLASH SPLASH" As I run through the muddy ground on a dreadful day, I try catching my breath inhaling and exhaling audaciously. I see other students from different schools pushing themselves to get up the hill, climb over the big wall, and down again the steep mountain. While I tried to run along the muddy path, I saw a big puddle and everyone was trying to get back up. I then knew that I had to take my shoes off and so I didn't lose it in the big puddle, because there were a whole bunch of kids diving in and laughing away. 

Once I've run down the steep hill, I had to stop at the small tunnels that we had to crawl through. I get on my hands and knees and start crawling on both hands, "squish squish" . My bare hands going through the filthy ground, I was then thinking about if the horses did their business here and we're just smuggling our hands and knees into it! 

It felt like I was so close to the finishing line because of the parents cheering and yelling names. I felt so relieved because I was finally near the end! I take my muddy socks off and start sprinting, I spot the finish sign and I finally reach the end. I was jumping and leaping with joy, I was so happy that I had finally gone through the mud run without giving up. I was so devastated and edger to finish this race and I finally did it.

Thursday 5 August 2021

Kiwi sports with Coach Zayde.

For Gymnastics, Room 7 and I experienced different gymnastic positions. Positions such as:
  • Tuck Sit  
  • Motorbike landing
  • Angry Cat
  • Happy Cat
  • Straddle
  • L sit
Room 7 and I had loads of fun by doing handstands, passing the ball in tuck sit position using our feet, and just challenging ourselves to try nail every simple gymnastic position. I felt very excited to participate in gymnastic and excited that I got to learn some fun gymnastic activities! 

It was super fun with our coach Zayde, I can't wait to do some more gymnastics with our coach !

Tuesday 3 August 2021

Viewing and Listening - Great Books.


Today for PBL, I made a presentation based on the 3 main characters, but I also had to watch a video and write how that video relates to the 3 characters in the Refugee novel.

Character Study - Great Books.


Today for Project Based Learning, I worked on one of the tasks in English, and one of the tasks was to make a poster about one of the characters in the Refugee novel.

Wednesday 28 July 2021

Kiwican - Emotions.

 Today for Kiwiwcan we discussed about feelings and emotions, the differences and what they mean to us. Feelings is something you generally feel inside, wither its upset or angry, that's all a feeling because it's building up inside of you, and it's not showing any affection on the outside. An emotion is something that you physically react to, for example Sad, that's an emotion because you could show it, either it's crying, wanting to be alone or even when your just breaking down. 

Tuesday 6 July 2021

Character Study - Great Books.


For Project Based Learning, I had a task where I had to do a character study about the 3 characters in the Refugee and talk about each Refugee. 

Thursday 1 July 2021

Author of the book - English.


Today for English, I answered some questions about the Author of the Refugee book. On the top right corner tells you a little bit of what the cover of the book says. I hope you find this interesting.

Wednesday 30 June 2021

English - Reading.


Today for English, I wrote information about what a Philosophy is and if there was a philosophy in the book Refugee by Alan Gratz. I had a lot of fun doing this activity, I enjoyed it because I learnt what a Philosophy and I also understood the philosophy in the book.

Thursday 24 June 2021

Arts - Music.

For Project Based Learning, I worked on Arts and Music. I enjoyed learning and researching music notes, I learnt more about music and how musicians read the music notes on the sheet of paper when they're playing a instrument. I hope you enjoyed my work!

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Table Tennis.

Table Tennis.

Today we had Table Tennis with our coach. Room 7 and I learnt some hand techniques on how we could hold the paddle and how to serve. It wasn't all really new to me because I already knew how to play Tennis. I usually play with my uncles with my older cousins, aunties etc. 

I learnt that when you're going to serve the ball, you always have to bounce that ball once on your table before hitting it to your opponent. So when you hit the ball , you don't have to twist your wrist as much, you can just keep your wrist locked and let it bounce off your paddle.

After we were taught a few lessons, we then got into groups and played around the world. Across the table, we had a Champion and the Challenger. The Challenger had to serve the ball and the Champion would hit it back, it'll go on and on until either the Champion or the challenger loses then it'll be the next person in the line.

At the end, We had the two champion girls and the two champion boys. The champion girls were Unita and Taijah, the champion boys were Ali-Jon and Wuatai. First we let the two champion girls have a game up to 5 points, and Taijah won that round. After they played, Ali-Jon and Wuatai had a game up to 5 points and Wuatai won. At the end, Wuatai and Taijah then get their prizes which were lollies. 

Room 7 and I had a very fun day today at Table Tennis. It was a great experience for a few in our classroom and so they can go home and teach other people how to play Table Tennis and play against them. 

Tuesday 8 June 2021

Maths - Tahi.

So the question was, The Simi family traveled to Kerikeri on the weekend. The distance from Auckland to Kerikeri is 244km. Mr Simi miscalculated the petrol they needed and only put in enough petrol to last them 3/4 of the way. How many kilometres did they travel before they needed more petrol?. 

So first we had to find out 3/4 of 244km. 
- Why did we have to find out 3/4 of 244km ?
We had to find 3/4 of 244km because the question was how many km did they travel before they needed more petrol?

First we split 3/4 to make it easier for us to solve was 3/4 of 244km was. We broke it down into 1/4. So

1/4 = 61     1/4 = 61    1/4 = 61. ( Now that I have split 3/4, I will now have to find out what each quarter equals to. So.. ) Once we found out what each quarter equals to, we added up the answers because we had to find out how much they traveled before they needed more petrol. 

61 + 61 + 61 = 183km. 

 Now I know that the Simi family traveled 183km before they needed more petrol.

Wednesday 2 June 2021


Today's Kiwican.

Today for Kiwican, we had a group discussion about our goals. We discussed how we could improve to reach the levels we want to be or have to be. My goals that I wrote out were:

  • Making sure my Architecture tasks have been done and over with.
  • Working on my spelling 
  • Being more calm
  • Focusing on my confidence
  • Spending more time with my teacher.
We also learnt to show respect to not just the people around you, but also yourself. When I say myself I mean focusing on your own goals and try achieve to where you want to be. 

I really enjoyed today's Kiwican lesson, it taught not just me but the whole of Room 7 how to show integrity and respect. 

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Todays Tech.

W.A.L.T : code on our microbits and mimic a dice. We connected our microbit to our chrome books and used an app called 

Once we coded our microbits to mimic a dice, we then tested it to make sure it was showing the small dots on our microbits. It was such a great experience mimicking a dice onto a thin device. 

Secondly we then coded our microbits to count our steps. We coded it to show how much steps we took with our microbits in our socks. We had to place them on

Friday 14 May 2021

Our trip to the Sky Tower.

As we hopped out of the bus, we all glared and admired how tall the Sky Tower was, hearing the others whisper “Whoa” and “Wow” under their breath. I was standing in a spot staring at the Sky Tower and getting flashbacks of when I first came to the Sky Tower. It seemed bigger than before yet it was actually the same size.

We were led by Ms Raj into the Lobby. And wow it seemed like I was in a big mansion, with the color gold surrounding me, how big it was and how neat it was. We were then introduced to our Tutors, Maria and her assistant Cooper. 

Maria and her assistant Cooper led us into this room. It appeared to be a room with a TV that showed us more information about the Sky Tower. We learnt more interesting facts about the Sky Towers and more mountains (volcanoes) that were spotted when standing in the Sky Deck. I learnt that the youngest yet the biggest mountain, Rangitoto Island, one of the volcanic islands, can be easily spotted in the distance from the Sky Tower, which is only 11.4 km away.

Room 7 and I really enjoyed our Trip to the Sky Tower. We learnt a lot of new things and facts, seeing new things and many more. If I ever visited the Sky Tower or even the City, I would definitely show my family the things I’ve learnt about Architecture. 

Coding with Python


Here is a screenshot of my Coding with python. I had to write out name name, age ect, and so it would show everything onto my Micobit. It was really fun. 

Thursday 13 May 2021



Today in Room 7, I created a floor plan of my house using the website : 

W.A.L.T : create floor plans for building a house. We used to do this.

What I learnt :
   - My floor Plan.
   - Where the rooms are gonna be.
   - The measurement of the house.
   - And if the doors go in or out.
If I was in the building industry, I would be a brick layer.

Here are my floor plans :

  Floor plan 3D .

Floor plan 2D .

I learnt from this activity is, when I grow up I wouldn't need help with how to lay out a house plan but I would definitely know how to be a Brick Layer. 

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Lable the Human Body.


Also part of our Project Based Learning, I labeled the Human Body. I didn't just label the body, but I also explained what it does.

The Human Body.


This is my work based on the Human Body. It was part of our Project Based Learning. I talked about the nervous system and how it works, I also talked about how the nerves connects and tells the body what to do.

My Pepeha.



 As we assembled in the hall, we spoke together about Honesty. As in being honest to somebodyeven if you dont want to. Meaning that if you've done something bad you could tell the truth first,and so it wouldn't be a big thing once they've found out you lied. 

After we spoke about Honesty, we played a game called Splash. It's similar to Bang but the wordwould be Splash. It was a very competitive game because once the person on either side gets called, you'll have to splash the person that was beside them. It was ultra fun, I really enjoyed it.

After a few games, Kiwican was almost finished. To end it off as usual, we played GKQ
( General Knowledge Questions ) . Three students had to stand up and answer one question that the Kiwican gave,
and so on. It was the end of Kiwican and we all went back to class.

Friday 7 May 2021

Coding the Microbit.


Today for tech , Room 7 were learning how to code a Microbit. Every time I shake the microbit, it will randomly pick a number from 1 to 3. But the numbers are shown either as Rock , Paper or Scissors. Number one will be shown as Paper , Number Two will be shown as Rock and Number 3 will be shown as Scissors.

Tuesday 4 May 2021

My Pepeha.

Tena Koutou 

Ko to mt wellington Maunga Silisili 

Ko to Waimokoia Awa Mulivaifagatola River 

Ko To-Sua Ocean Trench te iwi

Ko mahuhu ki te rangi Waka A va’a alo

Ko  te iwi

No Auckland ahau

Engari no Samoa oku tupuna

Ko John toku papa

Ko Anita toku mama

Ko Tupu toku whaea

Ko Jasel toku ingoa

Tena koutou tena koutau tena koutou katoua.


Wednesday 14 April 2021


The wind was gracfully flowing through my face. I lean over to touch the gazziling sea water flash before my eyes as it . It felt like I was dreaming, It didn't feel real but it was, It was like I was in heaven. The sun is up, seagulls flying around, my friends are laughing and having a blast.

Thursday 1 April 2021

My Imaginary Animal.

 For Art, Room 7 had to make our own Imaginary Animal. My Imaginary Animal is a Dinosaur. Its a Dinosaur that can spray water out of its mouth. 

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Cyber Challenge 5.


If I was a Kiwi.

 As I walk through that bizarre forest by myself, I spot a wild brown kiwi. I then admired its small brown eyes and its pointy beak. I then asked myself “What If I was a Kiwi?” .
It’s late and I start to tuck myself in bed. As my eyes are slowly shutting, I picture a kiwi. But the weirdest thing is that I was the kiwi.. I pictured that I was in the middle of an unknown forest. I look around and see long brown trees, birds flying left and right.
I was very confused about what was happening but I still went with it. It was amazing at the same time because I was a kiwi. As I slowly wandered around the forest I saw a bush crowded with yummy berries, I knew kiwis ate Berries so I decided to eat them of course.
I was really enjoying my weirdly amazing dream as an extraordinary animal. I then woke up as a normal human and I sat in bed looking out my window daydreaming about how awesome my dream was, I hope I dream about being a kiwi again. 

Tuesday 23 February 2021


 So today for Maths , Room 7 learnt how to solve problems using place value partitioning . 

Monday 22 February 2021

Treaty Of Waitangi.

 Treaty of Waitangi

For those who fought and died

They now understood they lied

Mercy never shown

From the man never a foe

Land and freedom

Was theirs alone

Like sand it flowed

Trust and forgiveness lost

Try and get along at all costs

Image result for maori wars

By Jasel.

Thursday 4 February 2021

Room 7 Swimming.

So today, Room 7 went out for swimming. We mostly learned about how to be safe when you're underwater.

So the first lesson that we learned was catching our breath when we’re either underwater or tryna get to safety. First we made sure that we were on our backs and so we could breathe in some air to help us. And then we had to flip on the stomach and start swimming to safety.

Second lesson that was taught to us was how to dive underwater. So we first took deep breaths before we dived into the water and our hands were twisted left to right while our feet were supported by paddling. 

The third lesson that was taught to us was how to float on the water when we’re in a dangerous situation. So when we’re flat on my stomach, we straight away turn our body around and float on our backs. We also learnt that we were supposed to raise one of our hands to give a kind of signal for somebody to send help.

Lastly, the lesson that was taught to us was how to swim across waves, we all took turns. So half of the people made the waves and the other half of the people had to swim altogether against the waves that were being made by the other people. This helped us to practice and experience when we’re in any situation like trying to get through heavy waves.