
Wednesday 12 May 2021


 As we assembled in the hall, we spoke together about Honesty. As in being honest to somebodyeven if you dont want to. Meaning that if you've done something bad you could tell the truth first,and so it wouldn't be a big thing once they've found out you lied. 

After we spoke about Honesty, we played a game called Splash. It's similar to Bang but the wordwould be Splash. It was a very competitive game because once the person on either side gets called, you'll have to splash the person that was beside them. It was ultra fun, I really enjoyed it.

After a few games, Kiwican was almost finished. To end it off as usual, we played GKQ
( General Knowledge Questions ) . Three students had to stand up and answer one question that the Kiwican gave,
and so on. It was the end of Kiwican and we all went back to class.

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